How well do you live when you’re feeling “between a rock and a hard place”?
Zen helps us to learn what these violets already know.
And look at how beautifully they do it!
They are able to thrive where they find themselves…gathering moisture as they are able and reaching towards the light.
Can we?

Are you looking for being at home right where you are?
Try “coming home” on the cushion and see, at Mt. Equity.

Guided by our teacher, Reverend Dai-En Bennage Roshi, the Mt. Equity Sangha is a community offering opportunities for study and practice in the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition. We practice together with Rev. Dai-En in Lewisburg, PA and with lay teachers and senior precepted students in State College, Harrisburg, and East Berlin, PA, as well as Fargo, ND-Moorhead, MN and Baltimore, MD.